
Sama Primary and High School was established in 2003 when the school had open its doors to the world of education. The school began with just a few classes with a humble number of educators that envisaged to develop a school for the sake of learners since the need for a Muslim school was a must for a growing community.

The school then reached a stage where the number of High school learners began increasing. Soon a demand for more classes in the Primary school also developed.

In 2007 the new building on the school premises were complete and the much awaited new classes, hall as well as hostel facilities were operational. The school population has been on the increase since this new construction and a highly progressive increase has been noted since. Statistically the school has a number of five hundred and thirty learners and where many learners are on a waiting list.

Since the school had begun, the uniform saw a transformation which clearly indicates that the school is constantly developing in terms of making positive changes both educationally as well as for the learner personally.
Nizamiye School Al Azhar Institute is an independent primary school and high school in Port Elizabeth and offers both academic and Islamic education from Grade RR (4-year-olds) up to Grade 12.

Emphasizing the importance of passion, compassion and dedication – the essential characteristics of a teacher – and relying on the bestowals and blessings of the Almighty by putting our absolute trust in His grace, we believe that we can achieve the highest levels of success and offer quality education to all our learners.
Fountain Educational Trust © 1999 - 2022 / All Rights Reserved
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